You should receive a reminder email prior to the expiration of a password, but it is a good idea to set your own reminder to change your password before the six month deadline to help avoid service interruptions. UO Account passwords must be changed every six months, or sooner. To avoid or eliminate account lockout, please refer to the information below. After the 45 minute lockout period the failed authentication count is automatically reset, but the failed count may accumulate quickly again if multiple devices are configured with bad credentials. Once locked, your account will remain locked for 45 minutes, and during that time you will be unable to access UO file shares or email. This is usually caused by stale credentials on your email client, or by wireless devices that repeatedly attempt to connect to the UO network, but fail because the password is old or entered incorrectly. Email and AD Account lockouts happen when your UO account has 100 consecutive failed authentication attempts.